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Send a message to egdiogel.
 Elo no rounded:2313.5 Rd ( Small rd indicates a reliable elo ) : 107 Fast Elo :2069 Fast Rd : 175 Elo max :2490 Elo max this year :2490 Moves played :7009 Country:Portugal
King of chess-mail : Qualified or on the waiting list in KOCM Bishop.(4 points ) Qualified or on the waiting list in KOCM Rook.(7 points ) Qualified or on the waiting list in KOCM Knight.(1 point ) Maximum : 7 points. Ranking : Inactive
Tournaments win : 2013.05.21 : First at the Big Tournament Spring day 2013 n°5 2008.09.25 : First at the Big Tournament Summer 2008 n°8 2007.07.13 : First at the Big Tournament Spring day n°6 2007.03.17 : First in the tournament n°1496(Level 3 )
Won tournaments :4
Last 5 games:
RD |
Var ELO |
| tartan | 2378 | 83 | 1 | +27 | | galiany17 | 2320 | 82 | 1 | +22 | | madz123456 | 2283 | 80 | 1 | +22 | | rons | 2500 | 82 | 0 | -27 | | rons | 2491 | 80 | 1 | +46 | |
RD |
Var ELO |
| attatroll | 1857 | 82 | 1 | +48 | | sachpat | 2023 | 162 | 0 | -119 | | krazy4chess | 1948 | 151 | 1 | +82 | | 4m6az | 1846 | 153 | 1 | +116 | | conde7 | 2186 | 95 | 0 | -25 | |