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 Elo no rounded:1327 Rd ( Small rd indicates a reliable elo ) : 155 Fast Elo :1729 Fast Rd : 179 Elo max :1730 Elo max this year :1730 Moves played :19912 Country:Spain
King of chess-mail : Maximum : 0 points. Ranking : Inactive
Tournaments win : 2018.05.30 : First in the tournament n°9685(Level 2 ) 2018.02.12 : First in the tournament n°9666(Level 2 ) 2018.02.09 : First in the tournament n°9579(Level 2 ) 2017.09.29 : First in the tournament n°9498(Level 2 ) 2013.12.20 : First at the Big Tournament Halloween 2013 n°4 2011.11.02 : First in the tournament n°5103(Level 2 ) 2011.03.25 : First in the tournament n°4627(Level 1 ) 2009.11.16 : First in the tournament n°3489(Level 2 ) 2009.10.07 : First in the tournament n°3505(Level 1 ) 2009.10.05 : First in the tournament n°3492(Level 2 ) 2009.09.17 : First in the tournament n°3480(Level 1 ) 2009.08.23 : First in the tournament n°3384(Level 1 ) 2009.01.16 : First in the tournament n°3013(Level 0 )
Won tournaments :13
Last 5 games:
RD |
Var ELO |
| nightrider | 1664 | 80 | 0 | -32 | | jackbauer | 1520 | 86 | 0 | -84 | | deanstewart | 1664 | 87 | 0 | -93 | | harden2476 | 1612 | 161 | 1 | +163 | | claudiaz | 2087 | 149 | 0 | -16 | |
RD |
Var ELO |
| alib | 1599 | 350 | 1 | +53 | | tonino1 | 1738 | 145 | 0 | -106 | | garyk | 1967 | 80 | 0 | -86 | | alvarin111 | 1640 | 119 | 1 | +106 | | gambitlover | 1599 | 350 | 1 | +162 | |