Rules:The King of chess-mail (KOCM)
You can play any numbers of games in King of Chess-Mail. There are severals level in this competition :
* KOCM Pawn (n=1)
* KOCM Knight (n=2)
* KOCM Bishop (n=3)
* KOCM Rook (n=4)
* KOCM Queen (n=5)
* KOCM King (n=6)
* KOCM King (2) (n=7)
* KOCM King (3) (n=8)
If you win a game at the level "n" you win a qualification for the level n+1.
If you make a draw with white pieces at the level "n" you win a qualification for the level n-1.
If you make a draw with black pieces at the level "n" you win a qualification for the level n.
If you lose a game at the level "n" you win a qualification for the level n-2.
For example :
If you win a game at the Level KOCM Pawn you win a qualification for the level "KOCM Knignht".
If you win a game at the Level KOCM Queen you win a qualification for the level "KOCM King".
If you loose a game at the Level KOCM Queen you win a qualification for the level "KOCM Bishop".
If you make a draw with white pieces at the level KOCM Rook you win a qualification for the level "KOCM Bishop".
If you make a draw with black pieces at the level KOCM Rook you win a qualification for the level "KOCM Rook".
Registration :
If you don't have a qualification your registration will be at the level ...
..."KOCM Pawn" if your elo is less than 1800 ( 1999 for unrated players ).
..."KOCM Knight" if your elo is in 1800-2200 ( 1999-2399 for unrated players ).
..."KOCM Bishop" if your elo is in 2200-2600 ( 2399-2799 for unrated players ).
..."KOCM Rook" if your elo is greater than 2600 ( 2799 for unrated players ).
If you have a qualification you will use the higher.
You can have several registrations pending, the limit depends on the level:
Other levels : 3
TIME CONTROL: A fixed period of 14 days is given at the start of the game and then 36 hours are added after each move.
The capital time can' t exceed 20 days.
Activity capital : You win 30 points if you make a registration, you loose 1 point each day. The activity capital cannot exceed 100 points.
A ranking is made each day, It is depending of the best level :
1 point for a registration, a qualification or a game at the level Knight.
2 points for 2 registrations, qualifications or games at the level Knight.
3 points for 3 ou more registrations, qualifications or games at the level Knight.
4 points for a registration, a qualification or a game at the level Bishop.
5 points for 2 registrations, qualifications or games at the level Bishop.
6 points for 3 or more registrations, qualifications or games at the level Bishop.
7 points for a registration, a qualification or a game at the level Rook.
8 points for 2 registrations, qualifications or games at the level Rook.
9 points for 3 or more registrations, qualifications or games at the level Rook.
Only the player who have a activity capital strictly positive is in this ranking.
The best player win the title 
The second third and fourth win the title 
The qualifications are erased after 4 years.
For the player who is number 1 at the ranking : If you have a registration pending for 80 days at the level n : The registration is canceled and you have a qualification at the level n-1.
You will have qualifications with the old "King of chess-mail":
A qualification for the level Knight for a qualification a 1/64 Finale.
A qualification for the level Bishop for a qualification a 1/32 Finale.
You can see this old competition here.
Here the qualifications of the the highest level :
KOCM Knight : amaya ; amaya ; aperturaf ; aperturaf ; aperturaf ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka ; bahouais ; begory ; bevittsmith ; bevittsmith ; buchauer ; chessington ; classclown ; classclown ; classclown ; classclown ; claudia ; claudiaz(Game) ; claudiaz ; claudiaz ; claudiaz ; claudiaz(Game) ; cruz ; cruz ; deanstewart ; egdiogel ; ejner ; ejner ; escargot08 ; eugenius ; eugenius ; fantomas ; fantomas ; ff333 ; foxy100 ; foxy100 ; gandalf50 ; geodad5 ; geodad5(Game) ; george1955 ; gobelijn(Game) ; gobelijn ; grazic66 ; gvladutz(Game) ; gvladutz(Game) ; gvladutz(Game) ; gvladutz(Game) ; gvladutz(Game) ; gvladutz ; jajka68 ; jaroslavpech ; jaroslavpech ; jaroslavpech ; jaroslavpech ; jaroslavpech ; jaroslavpech ; jaroslavpech ; jwinbush ; jwinbush ; jwinbush ; jwinbush ; kevinking ; knighthobo ; knighthobo(Game) ; knighthobo(Game) ; knighthobo ; legrognard ; leonger(Game) ; leonger ; leonger(Game) ; leonger(Game) ; levelton ; luban ; madz123456 ; malbertan ; manuel09 ; markc ; markus25nk ; markus25nk ; matej ; maxence ; maxence ; mayhemus ; nimzo ; nimzo ; orhany24 ; panham ; piekki ; piekkinew ; pipin ; pipin ; ralabarta ; rons ; rons ; rons ; rons ; said68100 ; seger ; sorim ; stepan ; stepanek47 ; tarasch ; telexmweene ; tigris ; tonino1 ; vataros ; vega ; vega ; vega ; vega ; virgil08bv ; virgil08bv ; welberth ; zikazika
KOCM Bishop : amaya ; aperturaf ; aperturaf ; asoka(Game) ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka ; asoka(Game) ; bahouais ; bahouais ; bahouais ; carlosvilah ; carlosvilah ; carlosvilah ; carlosvilah ; chessington ; chessington ; chessington ; comtelateau7 ; comtelateau7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; cruz ; d4minance ; d4minance ; d4minance ; d4minance ; d4minance ; d4minance ; destructor ; dougbeer ; egdiogel ; ejner ; fantomas ; fantomas ; gandalf50 ; gandalf50 ; gandalf50 ; gandalf50 ; gandalf50 ; george1955 ; george1955 ; george1955 ; gobelijn(Game) ; gvladutz(Game) ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jaroslavpech ; jerome ; jerome ; jerome ; jerome ; jerome(Game) ; kevinking ; kevinking ; legrognard ; legrognard ; luban ; madz123456 ; malbertan ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manolinex ; manuel09 ; markus25nk ; markus25nk ; markus25nk ; matej ; matej ; maxence ; mayhemus ; mustaphly(Game) ; mustaphly(Game) ; mustaphly ; nimzo ; nimzo ; numanoid ; numanoid(Game) ; numanoid ; pariolinius ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pipin ; ralabarta ; rettuc ; robertmcileg ; rons ; rons(Game) ; rons ; rons ; rons(Game) ; rons(Game) ; rons ; sandralyard ; sbb ; seger ; seger ; stepanek47 ; stepanek47 ; stepanek47 ; stepanpech ; stepanpech ; stephan47 ; stephan47 ; stephan47 ; stephan47 ; stephanpech ; stephanpech(Game) ; stephanpech ; stratos ; stratos ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; tarasch ; tigris ; vataros ; vega ; vega ; vega ; welberth
KOCM Rook : add ; aperturaf(Game) ; aperturaf(Game) ; aperturaf(Game) ; asoka(Game) ; asoka(Game) ; buchauer ; buchauer ; buchauer ; carlosvilah ; carlosvilah ; carlosvilah ; classclown(Game) ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; conde7 ; d4minance(Game) ; darko10 ; destructor ; destructor ; dougbeer ; echo314 ; echo314 ; echo314 ; echo314 ; echo314 ; egdiogel ; eugenius ; fantomas ; galiany17 ; gandalf50(Game) ; gandalf50(Game) ; george1955 ; gvladutz(Game) ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jerome(Game) ; jerome ; jwinbush(Game) ; madz123456 ; nimzo ; numanoid(Game) ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pipin ; pipin(Game) ; pipin(Game) ; pipin(Game) ; rettuc ; rettuc ; said68100 ; seger ; stephan47 ; stephan47 ; stratos ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; vataros ; vega ; vega ; virgil08bv ; virgil08bv ; virgil08bv
KOCM Queen : claudiaz(Game) ; conde7 ; conde7 ; cruz ; d4minance ; d4minance ; d4minance ; gandalf50(Game) ; jajka68 ; jajka68 ; jerome(Game) ; legrognard ; manolinex ; manolinex(Game) ; manolinex ; mustaphly(Game) ; mustaphly(Game) ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; pdebonis ; stephan47 ; stephan47 ; stephan47 ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan ; szustan
KOCM King : aperturaf(Game) ; chessington ; d4minance ; darko10 ; gandalf50(Game) ; gandalf50(Game) ; jajka68 ; manolinex(Game) ; szustan